Sunday, March 15, 2009

I love words, words, words words. Here they go down. Down into my belly.

I enjoy words. I also hate other words.

Indian word: elaichi
Elaichi is the perfect word for cardamom. It looks, tastes, and feels like something called elaichi. It's perfect.

Indian Word: Pyar, Ishk, Mohabhatt
All those words mean love. Isn't that awesome? W have three fekkin words that mean love and each one is different. Pyar is just love, love for anyone ever. Ishk is almost infatuation. Mohabhatt is that crazy, passionate, I'll die for you love.

Indian Word: Kitaab
Kitaab means book. Its perfect for book. K is an interesting consonant. It's...undecisive. You don't always remember "k" words. And words rarely end in "B". The "t" is almost like "th". It just sounds right.

English word: Thyme
Its an herb, obvi. But its so pretty and it looks pretty. And the herb itself is pretty.

English word: Effervescent
BUBBBBBBBLES. I love words that I can connect immediately to an event or emotion. Bubbly, fizzy, bright, perfect.

English word: Infinitesimal

Arabic phrase: ana b'hebbak (man), ana b'hebbek (woman)
This means I love you. Arabic is so PRETTY. GOD. I WISH I COULD SPEAK IT DAMMIT

More pretty Arabic words/phrases:
Kaif - how
Fel al massa - tonight
Ramadi (my favorite ever) - gray
Inshalla- hopefully (isn't it the prettiest sound for the best meaning)
Sabah El-Khair, Masaa El-Khair- Good morning, good evening


  1. Well duh.
    I tried to post a comment on your post and it would not allow me too. Damn.
